Rekry: Simulointikonsultti / -asiantuntija (Delfoi)

Haku päättyy (viimeistään) 10.1.2020

Delfoi hakee simulointikonsulttia/-asiantuntijaa Lean-konsultointiryhmäänsä Espooseen. Henkilön tehtävät painottuvat teollisuus-, terveydenhuolto-, logistiikka-, julkishallinto- ja palvelusektoreiden asiakkaidemme simulointi- ja kehitysprojekteihin, sisältäen mm. simulointimallinnusta, analysointia, asiakkailla tapahtuvaa projektityötä sekä simulointityökalujen käytön jatkuvaa kehittämistä. Vastuullesi kuuluu myös simulointimallien määrittelyjen laadinta sekä tulosten esittämistä asiakkaille, yhdessä tiimin muiden jäsenten kanssa. Sinulta odotetaan kykyä sisäistää ja dokumentoida kompleksejakin systeemejä ja myöhemmin analysoida tulokset ja muodostaa tuloksista yhteenvetoja. Tehtäviisi voi myös kuulua simulointimallin ja FlexSim-ohjelmiston toimittaminen ja kouluttaminen asiakkaalle.


Assistant/Associate Professor in Energy Systems (tenure track)

The Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Aalto University School of Engineering invites applications for


This position will be filled at the Energy Efficiency and Systems research group of the Department of Mechanical Engineering. The group focuses on large-scale energy systems research, on future transitions of European electricity markets and on District Heat (DH) systems towards carbon neutrality, while maintaining reliability and affordability. The group collaborates extensively with industrial and academic partners in research projects and participates in many international collaboration projects, such as those of EU Horizon 2020. (For examples, see:  ,  ,  )

We are seeking outstanding individuals who have demonstrated excellence in addressing one or more challenges in large-scale energy systems. This excellence may be demonstrated as successful research leadership and funding activity. We expect a successful candidate to have demonstrated his/her research results through company collaboration or through established international research collaboration.

As a tenure-track faculty member, you are expected to complement the expertise of the current faculty by bringing new ideas and perspectives into our community. You are also expected to teach in our study programmes (see. e.g., with the typical teaching load of about three courses per year.

The position will be filled at the Assistant or Associate Professor level. The position will be located at the Aalto University Campus in Otaniemi, Espoo.

More information & link to application

Tenure-Track Professor in Strategic Management

Aalto University Department of Industrial Engineering and Management (Espoo, Finland) invites applications for: Tenure-Track Professor in Strategic Management

The invite is specifically aimed for applicants with research interest and expertise in the use of analytics and quantitative methods in strategic management and decision making. So a very good fit for OR people! According their own words, “The Department of Industrial Engineering and Management conducts world-class research and provides impactful education on the creation and transformation of technology-based business.”

You can read the whole application invite here.